Navigating Digital Archives for Genealogical Research

presented by Danielle Gilman, PhD and Marissa Vassari, MLIS
Saturday, 14 October 2023 | 2:00 pm
Athens – Clarke County Library, Multi-purpose Room B

Join COGS and the A-CC Library Heritage Room in celebrating American Archives Month in October!

Many archives and libraries in Georgia digitize archival materials and make them accessible to the public via the Digital Library of Georgia: an online platform that shares Georgia’s history and culture. This hourlong class will cover how to access these primary sources and will consider how such records have the power to help us share stories about the histories of our own families as well as our local communities. We will practice such storytelling by reviewing and assessing a curated set of documents from the Hargrett Rare Book and Manuscript Library at the University of Georgia.

Danielle Gilman is an Assistant Professor in Residence in the English Department at the University of Connecticut. Her research focuses on twentieth-century British literature, archival studies, and digital learning. Previously, she taught in the Writing and Communication Program at Georgia Tech and in the English Department at UGA where she also earned her PhD.

Marissa Vassari is Archivist and Educator at the Rockefeller Archive Center in Sleepy Hollow, NY. She specializes in developing educational outreach project models that build research and information literacy skills. In 2016, she created the Archival Educators Roundtable, which facilitates communication among professionals who use primary sources in public outreach and teaching. She holds a BA in Psychology and Special Education, an MA in Childhood Education, and an MLIS degree with an Archival Studies specialization.